Something to think about

Look at these pictures

God created this tiny little world in this big universe, just for you and me and for the love he has for us, he created the biggest and beautiful stars, Look at the star Antares, imagine its sheer size when compared to earth. This shows Gods majesty and power and his love for us (the insignificant but complicated humans). If you think more about this, you will strive to understand Gods greatness and his vast knowledge which we cannot even fathom. But at the same time, it is interesting to know that this great and mighty God, Loves you more than these big stars, He even came to this earth in the form of a human to give his very life for us on the cross and he overcame death.

Such a great and mighty God is our God, Not only is he great and mighty and wise, he is loving and kind Which is beyond our ability to scale. (He even gave his life on the cross to save you and me), This shows his endless love for us. So always smile without any worries, happy that, this oh so loving God is taking care of you. Nothing is difficult for Jesus, who created this world and this universe. He will take care of you and he will meet all your needs. And above all he loves you more than anyone can, Because he created you. He is your heavenly father. So keep smiling. Putting all trust in him.

The true meaning of life???

I have been recently pondering about many happenings. And when in a pensive mood i understand many things which have been long unnoticed and overlooked.

look at life, and the meaning and purpose of our very life in this world. Here i would like the reader to ponder about these thoughts before we go more deep into the topic.

As you know the final destiny that befalls every ones life, is Death (I am not trying to scare you).
So why exactly did God create you?
What is expected of you in your life?
What was the makers (God's) intention in creating you in this world?.

Have you ever thought about all this??.
Our busy life and hectic work makes us forget the most important aspect "The purpose of our very life in this world". Our mind is mostly preoccupied with worldly thoughts like, wealth, power, enjoyment, Daily work, long term goals and ambitions. It is not wrong, But finally to what end??. Any ways all of us are going to die one day, we may live till 80, that is hardly a fraction of time, then what next?. We should never fail to remember the true purpose of our life.

So what is the true purpose of our very life?. God in his infinite wisdom and knowledge has created us, For what?. Sometimes i feel we are all part of a big game. A very virtual game. In fact it is very true in one aspect. It is a game constantly being monitored. And each of us are players. Playing what??. We are here playing a game. There are two forces in this world, the good and the evil.

And it is how good we are, how God fearing we are, and how helpful we are to our fellow human beings. that is what determines the winners in the game (There are lot more attributes needed to be winners i have just quoted a few), the loser's are those who deny the True God and who aide to all evil and ungodly things which attributes to the "Devil" (There is lot more to this, i have just given a brief view).

When Adam and Eve had the fruit, it gave them the knowledge of Good and Evil. That is how we know, what is Good and Godly and what is Evil and ungodly. That is where the big game started.

that is why all of us are under sin and born of sinful blood, that we are highly prone to be Ungodly.That is our human nature, which means, we are doomed to be Losers, and doomed to hell with no redemption.

But cheer up :), That is why God came to this world in a human form as "Jesus Christ" who died for our sinful nature. That by his blood we have redemption from sin and we have eternal life, And not to forget we are all working towards this greater goal, to be winners and to get the prize of eternal life and to live with our creator. And it is not about the transient 80 years which we will spend in this world.

If you have any suggestions to this post, you can mail me at